Inflammation information

Do you know how harmful inflammation can be to your body?

It can be very harmful!

On average, 3 out of 5 people can die from chronic inflammatory diseases like cancer, stroke, heart disorders, obesity, diabetes and more- if not managed. While we don't mean to scare you, inflammation is a normal response by your body, but it should be minimised to stop certain health conditions from occurring or escalating.

Dive in with us and learn everything you need to know about inflammation, its effects on the body and how to prevent it.

What is inflammation?

Though we just highlighted it before, let's explore exactly what inflammation is in a little bit more detail. Inflammation is a natural response that happens in your immune system when responding to an infection or injury.
There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic.

Acute inflammation
This is generally short-term inflammation stemming from an injury or illness. Acute inflammation typically can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • Pain: Trends arise when you touch the affected area or exist continuously.
  • Redness around the area: Due to increased blood supply.
  • Swelling: Often, fluids can build up in the inflamed area
  • Heat: Increased blood flow can make the inflamed area hot to touch
  • Loss of function: Difficulty moving the joint

Sometimes these symptoms can be present occurring within just a few hours or days, and other times there may not be. Often these symptoms can last a few days to a few weeks.

Chronic inflammation
This inflammation tends to last for months to years, caused by chronic conditions. If untreated, this type of inflammation can cause significant damage to healthy tissues and organs. Partly, chronic inflammation arises due to lifestyle factors such as bad diet, age, obesity, lack of exercise and stress.

Here are some conditions which cause chronic inflammation:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis or joint conditions
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Allergies

Symptoms of chronic inflammation tend to be slow and can last from months to years.

5 natural ways to prevent inflammation

While inflammation is a part of your immune response by your body, there are some natural ways you can prevent it or slow down the response. Try doing the following:

Eat anti inflammatory diet
One of the best ways to prevent inflammation is by staying on top of the foods you consume. Whenever possible, aim to eat whole, nutrient-dense foods high in antioxidants that reduce levels of free radicals- molecules that trigger oxidative stress and inflammation.

  • High anti-inflammatory foods are:
  • Broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts
  • Blueberries, pomegranates, grapes and cherries
  • Olives and avocados
  • Salmon, anchovies, mackerel, herring and sardines
  • Dark chocolate
  • Almonds
  • Cinnamon, fenugreek and turmeric
  • Green tea

Note: Try to include a balance of carbs, protein and fat during every meal, If you're wanting to follow a specific diet opt for one low in carbs, vegetarian or a Mediterranean diet which may lower inflammatory markers.

Avoid inflammatory foods

In contrast to the last point, another way to prevent inflammation is by cutting out inflammation-boosting foods altogether:

  • Sugary drinks: Soda, fruit juices and sweetened drinks
  • Refined carbohydrates: pasta and bread
  • Desserts: Cakes, cookies, candy and ice cream
  • Processed foods: Crisps, crackers and ready meals
  • Oils: Soybean and corn bean oil

You are probably no stranger to knowing just how important the benefits of exercise are! When it comes to inflammation, exercise is crucial. When you exercise, your adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, cortisol, and cytokine IL 6 in your muscles. These molecules help suppress inflammation, making your body subject to less inflammation. Thus lowering the risk of chronic diseases triggered by inflammation.

Have a good sleep
If you're not getting consistent 7-9 hours of sleep every night, there could be a risk of experiencing more inflammation. Research shows that a lack of sleep triggers more inflammatory markers your body increasing the risk of chronic disease. When you sleep it helps grow and repair immune cells, which work to fight inflammation keeping you healthy.

Don't drink alcohol
Alcohol can disrupt your gut microbiome, which can trigger chronic inflammation. If you find it hard to avoid an alcoholic beverage, try to drink one drink or less in a sitting.

Try Earth's Nurture anti-inflammatory products

Lion's Mane
A vegetarian capsule containing lion's mane mushrooms. These mushrooms are high in antioxidants, which can reduce the damage from free radicals and provide cognitive support. They also help enhance your immune system and cells and defend your body against infections and diseases which may trigger inflammation.

Boswellia Serrata
If you're looking to lower your inflammation levels you might want to try Boswellia Serrata. This supplement is regularly referred to as Indian Frankincense and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It has compounds which reduce inflammation in your body, which can help reduce pain and increase joint comfort. It also supports digestive health, soothing gastrointestinal discomfort and helping alleviate pain.

Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto is a palm tree species that grows berries high in nutrients and antioxidants. Our Saw Palmetto capsule is high in anti inflammatories helping reduce inflammation in your body. This supplement also contains zinc which supports immune health.

Final thoughts

Overall, inflammation is a natural response that happens in your body. There's two types of inflammation that exist acute and chronic. Acute inflammation tends to last for a for a few hours or days, whereas chronic can last for weeks up to months. Mainly inflammation is caused by injury, illness or lifestyle factors like age, gender, diet, smoking, obesity and  lack of exercise. 

If you don't manage your inflammation levels, you can increase your risk of chronic inflammation, which can lead to chronic disease. To stop this from happening, try eating an anti-inflammatory diet, exercising, getting consistent sleep and avoiding alcohol. 

You can also take supplements like our lion's mane mushrooms capsules, Boswellia Serrata and Saw Palmetto to try lower your response further.

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